How to add colours to your bbm name

BlackBerry How To Guides - MobileMoo —.
Looking for BBM symbols? We've got all the information you need to quickly add cool new BBM icons to Blackberry Messenger.
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Learn how to do just about everything at eHow. Find expert advice along with How To videos and articles, including instructions on how to make, cook, grow, or do

How to add new symbols to bbm name?.
Color ID for BlackBerry: How to Add BBM.
In case you didn’t know, you can perform nearly any task on your BlackBerry — even things you didn’t know you could do. The trick is a little ingenuity.
For the times when you want to hear a friend’s laughter instead of reading their LOLs, BBM now comes with BBM™ Voice. 3 Switch your BBM conversation from text to
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How to add colours to your bbm name
Add Your LinkI noticed that some of my contacts have symbols (lightning bolt, spades) next to their names that are not avlbl on the symbols list. Does anyone know how to add these
How to add colours to your bbm name
BBM Voice Apps Download BlackBerry.How do you know if someone s deleted you.
This video demonstrates how to add individual BBM contacts to the Color ID BlackBerry app. Version 2.2.2, released on BlackBerry App World January 18, 2012
Add Your URL to Google BBM Symbols - How to Add to Blackberry.