what is the black spots on abdominal ct scan

What is a Gallbladder CT scan? | Two.
17.02.2010 · Best Answer: The brightness you mention on PET is caused by metabolic activity and any trauma can cause an increase in metabolic activity. Very intense
Lung Spots -what an X-Ray/CT Scan reveals.
What are Gallbladder CT Scans? Gallbladder and/or Bile Duct CT scans can check for blockage of the bile ducts. Here, gallstones occasionally show up on the CT scan.
what is the black spots on abdominal ct scan
My CT Scan - YouTubewhat is the black spots on abdominal ct scan
08.08.2009 · Best Answer: Lets start with the liver. Patients who have a liver problem usually are extremely tired. They can develop flu like symptoms. If the liver
Spots on liver on CT scan.
Bowel perforation... CT scan. What is a Liver CT scan? | Two Views.
Lung Spots -what an X-Ray/CT Scan reveals.

My husband had colorectal cancer but they got it all out and had a endorectal sonogram and was negative. He had a CT scan and they found spots on his liver. The
Someone close to me had a recent Ct scan performed. A few days later she was told that the scan showed a small black spot in a lung. Lung spots and links to cancer
What are Liver CT Scans? Liver CT scans can find any bleeding from the liver, liver tumors and liver diseases. A CT scan of the liver can even help determine the